You're on target to get doubled donations (and liberate a praise for the colleague who referred you). Keep up the good work!
"usesDonorsChoose":false,"infoPageType":"school","demographicsInfo":"numStudents":60,"numTeachers":null,"percentFrplEligible":21,"percentAsian":1,"percentBlack":1,"percentWhite":92,"percentIndigenous":0,"percentLatinx":2,"showFreeAndReducedPriceLunchInfo":true,"showDemographicsInfo":true,"sourceTooltipString":"US Census Data for the surrounding geographic area","gradesServed":"Not specified","studentTeacherRatio":null,"demographicsDataSource":"Census ZCTA","equityFocus":false,"schoolId":100276,"callToActionDisplayName":"Lied Education Center - Bremwood Residential Treatment","financialInfo":null,"twitterShareText":"Learn more about Lied Education Center - Bremwood Residential Treatment on @DonorsChoose:","hasFundedProjects":false,"canonicalPageUrl":"schools/iowa/-county-run-/aea267-bremwood-school/100276","pageName":"schoolpage_100276","schoolLevelGivingEnabled":false
Public School
Not specified
Not available
Lied Education Center - Bremwood Residential Treatment is a public schoolin Waverly, Iowa that is a part of [County run].It serves 60 students in Not specified.
Contact Lied Education Center - Bremwood Residential Treatment Contact info is sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) annual survey procedure, so apologies if it is outdated!
- (319) 352-5991
- 106 16th St SW
- Waverly, IA 50677
Lied Education Center - Bremwood Residential Treatment Demographics
of scholars receive loose or decreased value lunch We obtain data about students' economic want from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) in response to the Free or Reduced Price Lunch scale. Learn more.Source: US Census Data for the encompassing geographic house
of scholars are Black, Latino, NativeAmerican, or Asian Numbers may not add up to 100 due to NCES survey barriers.
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As a trainer-founded nonprofit, we're depended on by means of 1000's of academics and supporters around the country. Each lecture room request for funding was created by a classroom trainer and reviewed by the DonorsChoose staff.
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