QBWC error QBWC1013: "Could not start QuickBooks."

May 2024 ยท 4 minute read

I will not get QuickBooks to start up from the Web Connector. I am passing legitimate filepath, everything appears right consistent with the documentation.

If I have QuickBooks open already, the Web Connector runs wonderful. If it's not open, I get the QBWC1013 error...

Relevant portion of log:

20130312.14:14:56 UTC : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.instantiateWebService() : Initiated connection to the following software. 20130312.14:14:56 UTC : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.instantiateWebService() : AppName: FOO 20130312.14:14:56 UTC : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.instantiateWebService() : AppUniqueName (if available): FOO 20130312.14:14:fifty six UTC : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.instantiateWebService() : AppURL: https://www.foo.com/server.php 20130312.14:14:56 UTC : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.do_serverVersion() : *** Calling serverVersion(). 20130312.14:14:fifty six UTC : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.do_serverVersion() : Received from serverVersion() following parameter:<serverVersionRet="PHP QuickBooks SOAP Server v1.5.3 at /server.php"> 20130312.14:14:fifty six UTC : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.do_clientVersion() : *** Calling shopperVersion() with following parameter:<productVersion=""> 20130312.14:14:57 UTC : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.do_clientVersion() : Received from shopperVersion() following parameter:<clientVersionRet=""> 20130312.14:14:fifty seven UTC : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.do_clientVersion() : This application concurs with the present model of QBWebConnector. Allowing replace operation. 20130312.14:14:57 UTC : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.do_authenticate() : Authenticating to application 'FOO', username = 'foo' 20130312.14:14:fifty seven UTC : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.do_authenticate() : *** Calling authenticate() with following parameters:<consumerName="foo"><password=<MaskedForSecurity> 20130312.14:14:58 UTC : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.updateWS() : Received from authenticate() following parameters:<authRet[0]="91f62aac622b49ad483f20ef9d7729a3"><authRet[1]=""\\FOOSERVER\Users\Public\Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\Company Files\Some Company File Inc..QBW""><authRet[2]=""><authRet[3]=""> 20130312.14:14:58 UTC : QBWebConnector.RegistryManager.setCurrentWebServiceName() : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Intuit\QBWebConnector\CurrentWebServiceName has been set to FOO 20130312.14:14:58 UTC : QBWebConnector.RegistryManager.setCurrentWebServiceSessionTicket() : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Intuit\QBWebConnector\CurrentWebServiceSessionTicket has been set to 91f62aac622b49ad483f20ef9d7729a3 20130312.14:14:fifty eight UTC : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.CheckCFNResponse() : User authenticated. 20130312.14:14:fifty eight UTC : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.do_authenticate() : Done. 20130312.14:14:58 UTC : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.OpenConnection() : Connecting to QuickBooks... 20130312.14:14:fifty eight UTC : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.handleAllOtherError() : QBWC1013: Error connecting to QuickBooks. Returning error message to utility. Could not start QuickBooks. 20130312.14:14:58 UTC : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.do_connectionError() : *** Calling connectionError() with following parameters:<wcTicket="91f62aac622b49ad483f20ef9d7729a3"><hresult="0x80040408"><message="Could not start QuickBooks."> 20130312.14:14:59 UTC : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.do_connectionError() : Received from connectionError() following parameters:<tryAgain="done"> 20130312.14:14:fifty nine UTC : QBWebConnector.SOAPWebService.OpenConnection() : Error connecting to QuickBooks. Application sent back DONE. Job finishing. 20130312.14:14:fifty nine UTC : QBWebConnector.RegistryManager.setUpdateLock() : HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Intuit\QBWebConnector\UpdateLock has been set to False 20130312.14:14:fifty nine UTC : QBWebConnector.RegistryManager.setUpdateLock() : ********************* Update consultation unlocked ********************* 20130312.14:14:59 UTC : QBWebConnector.WebServiceSupervisor.DoUpdateDecided on() : Update finished with errors. See log (QWClog.txt) for details. 

3 Answers

I'm going to think that your QWC document is with the proper layout.

If may appears one thing like this

<QBWCXML> <AppName>Example WS</AppName> <AppID></AppID> <AppURL>https://localhost/Quickbooks.asmx</AppURL> <AppDescription>Example Service Service</AppDescription> <AppSupport>https://localhost/</AppSupport> <UserName>Etile</UserName> <OwnerID>XXXXB9B1-86F1-4fcc-B1EE-566DE1813D20</OwnerID> <FileID>XXXX4FB5-33D9-4815-AC85-BC87A7E7D1EB</FileID> <QBType>QBFS</QBType> <Scheduler> <RunEveryNMinutes>1</RunEveryNMinutes> </Scheduler> </QBWCXML> 

When you add the applying to QuickBooks's Web Connector, you'll be brought on to allow the applying access to QuickBooks knowledge. You want to choose the final possibility "Yes, always; allow access even if QuickBooks is not running"

enter image description here

And do not forget to go back the full path to the company file out of your Web Service's authenticate() way.

A Sample SOAP Response could be:

<?xml model="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns1="http://developer.intuit.com/"> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <ns1:authenticateResponse> <ns1:authenticateResult> <ns1:string>1e3ea2ed-a734-03e4-ed8c-80eb12f19845</ns1:string> <ns1:string>C:\Quickbooks Company File.QBW</ns1:string> </ns1:authenticateResult> </ns1:authenticateResponse> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> 

Note that if you are using quickbooks-php, the document will have to be added manually for some explanation why. The Web Connector documentation and the new QuickBooks integration wiki each lack readability on this detail.


I was banging my head against the wall in this however after Four hours on the telephone with Intuit and in any case having the tier 2 engage there building team they clued me to into some more details on this vague as hell error. When you get this error the problem is not that it can't start quickbooks its that you're request out of your server is attempting to open the document incorrectly. Things that will cause this. The identify of the record is wrong, the path of the record is wrong. Your request is not formatted appropriately.
In my case we had the document title proper but my server was think to pull the path of the document which you'll be able to confirm within the check in at hkey_current_user\device\intuit\qbwebconnector\soapwebservices\ look for companyfile and you'll see the name and full trail.

hope this helps someone care for this vague error.


As log data is showing -> person authenticated, that means .qwc file is in correct format. After authentication, web connector is making a request to QuickBook to connect, which is failing to your case.

Steps to hook up with QuickBooks desktop thru internet connector are :

  • Run internet service and QuickBook desktop software in Admin mode
  • Name of internet provider and QuickBook company title will have to be identical
  • Run QuickBook desktop in multi-user mode with the intention to connect QuickBook via web connector as smartly.
  • In internet provider code, if person is unique then make authReturn[1]="" // to connect to the corporate file that is these days openned in QuickBooks
  • It worked for me. All the best for you.
