Noun. análí (plural análíké) paternal grandfather, as well as any of his brothers or sisters (paternal great-uncles, great-aunts) paternal grandmother, in addition to any of her brothers or sisters (paternal great-uncles, great-aunts)Click to see complete resolution. Accordingly, what is the word for grandmother in Navajo?You are “born for” your father’s clan. The Navajo word for “my maternal grandmother” is shimá sání . This can also mean “my mom’s mother’s sister” and “my mom’ father’s sister” (tremendous aunts). It can also mean older female clan family members. The Navajo word for “my paternal grandmother” is: shinálí asdząÂ´ąÂ´.Subsequently, question is, how do you say hi in Navajo? Yá’át’ééh (Hello in Navajo) Literally: it is good (however: it is smartly). This is say hello in Navajo, and is the common Navajo greeting. Also to understand is, how do you say thank you in Navajo? Ahéhee’ Our Navajo word for lately is Thank You. It’s good to point out that the Navajo ‘h’ sound is much more exasperated when adopted through a short (and a brief prime tone) ‘e’. The 2nd ‘h’ is much less pronounced, or extra in line with standard English utilization.What is the Cherokee word for grandma?The Cherokee language has different words for paternal and maternal grandparents. So traditionally, if this was once your daughter’s child she would name you Elisi (pronounced similar to ay-lee-see), and if it was once your son’s baby she would call you Enisi (ay-nee-see.)